Shipping & Refunds


Shipping Policy

Once your order is packed and shipped, you will get an email with your tracking information.

Keep in mind that if the tracking information states an order was delivered but you think you have not received it, we will NOT take responsibility and reship that order. In that case, any replacements would have to be at your expense. 

We charge Rs. 250 for standard shipping for every order regardless of the number of items. The package should be delivered within 2 business days. In some cases, backorders do occur which can delay the process. Our goal is always to ship it out to you as soon as possible. The payment method is strictly Cash On Delivery.  

Refund policy

We will only accept returns or exchanges if the item you purchased is defective. If you have received a defective item, please contact us at with a picture of the defected product.  

Upon receipt of the returned product, we will fully examine it and notify you via e-mail if you are entitled to a replacement or refund, we will replace the product or refund the purchase price, using the original method of payment. Thank you!